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Tachlith Institute is a policy-oriented research organization working to strengthen Israel’s democracy and its institutions and to revitalize the social contract between all parts of Israeli society

About Us

Tachlith Institute is a nonprofit research organization whose mission is to develop independent, professional, and non-partisan policy-oriented research. We are dedicated to offering decisionmakers ideas and professional assistance in adopting educated and effective policy in areas of governance, law, public affairs, and national security. We aim to strengthen the essence of Israel as both a Jewish and a democratic state, in the spirit of the Israeli Declaration of Independence.

To accomplish these goals, we first identify and analyze the most pressing challenges facing Israel’s governmental system and its society, and then proceed to craft research-informed, idea-rich policy proposals. These provide solutions and recommendations to improve the work of government portfolios and other state institutions, based on the core values of Israeli society.

About Us
​Our Story
Our Story

The State of Israel was established at a time when its leadership and people faced complex challenges virtually without precedent. Guided by the vision and labor of its founders, the young state succeeded in establishing itself as a thriving democracy and a national home for Jewish people from all over the world.

Yet since its independence, Israel has also suffered from myriad social and political rifts, and to this day lacks a strong constitutional and institutional infrastructure that can guarantee its continued existence and prosperity. Over the years, these cracks have gradually deepened, uncovering institutional vulnerabilities and failures which have taken root in the corridors of power and created "autonomous islands" of different and conflicting worldviews.

Over time, David Ben-Gurion’s “melting pot” ideal succumbed to fragmentation and tribalism, which have become entrenched in Israeli society and politics and promote an increasingly prevalent "us versus them" public discourse. These phenomena undermine Israel’s social resilience, polarize its society, and gradually erode the quality of its political institutions – and, ultimately, the foundations of its governmental system.

As the state approaches its centennial, an honest introspection is called for. Israeli society must examine the rifts and vulnerabilities threatening it, as well as conceive and implement ideas and values that can improve public decision-making.

Tachlith was established because we believe the responsibility for addressing these issues and seeking solutions does not rest solely on the shoulders of the government and its institutions. Israeli civil society must take an active part, both in thought and in action, to help establish a moral society (“Chevrat Mofet”), to fortify Israel’s security, and to bolster its Jewish and democratic character.

To realize this vision, we operate a wide range of initiatives to improve and strengthen Israeli governance, economy, security, and society. Our work is grounded in comprehensive research, policy discussions, and collaboration with prominent actors in government, academia, and the Israeli economy.

Core Pillars
Core Pillars
Our Strategy: From Ideas to Reality

From Ideas to Policy

Crafting, developing, and refining multidisciplinary research that translates to effective public policy.

Hands-on Strategy

Maintaining regular close ties with decision makers to identify their needs on both central and peripheral issues, making our suggested policies accessible to them, and working together to overcome obstacles that hinder effective policymaking.

A Unique 360   Approach


Providing a professional support envelope for decision-makers based on incisive analysis of needs and opportunities, all while working together with civil society organizations, academia, media, and public opinion influencers to encourage a fruitful public discussion on the issues we believe in.

Our Strategy
Our Underlying Values

Our core commitment is to bolster Israel as a Jewish and democratic state. Our research and public activities are committed to serve our organization’s values:

The values of the Declaration of Independence as a moral compass.


Instilling the common Israeli ethos, while embracing the complexity of the multicultural nature of Israel’s society.

Israeli Statehood


Conducting in-depth and innovative research that informs and shapes our policy recommendations.


Forging effective and smart policy-oriented activity, based on cooperation between players from multiple fields, including the governmental, academic, civil society, and business sectors.

A Multidisciplinary Approach

Building diverse and comprehensive research and work teams, in order to improve our capability to develop politically feasible policy solutions.


Contact Us
Our Underlying Values

Contact Us

״Tachlith House״

Ahad Ha'am 35,

Tel Aviv


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Website design: Studio Tiltan

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